Friday, October 16, 2020

Learning building a complete device- Challenge


File:Tetris lamp.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
I have come across NAND to TETRIS course, which involves building a computer from the scratch, involving SW, HW, verilog, Assembly language etc., 

Basically, I have a great idea about Hardware, and software role in a device , how they are getting integrated.
What I am really excited about is : from the chip level, - building each and every chip, which are all required for a computer, and Assembly language to high level language integrator, making an OS, building an application - overall - I feel excited about learning this.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

COVID 19 - Economic Impact - Help which common people can do

Hi all,

This is something which I want everyone to do.

Currently, all over the world , people are facing the impacts due to Covid 19.
The best help which people can do now is to be isolated.
Yet people are there who are facing financial problems that, they can't buy groceries / food items now. But still, there are some people/ organisations, which are helping people in giving food for them. And people are donating money currently as the relief fund.

But the real problem will be faced after the lockdown, after some days.

So how can we help here.
One-thing which most of the people agree is: no-one has assurance about their financial situation. In this time, no common people can help by contributing financially. Then how can we help in solving the people problem as a commoner?

1. If you are a software developer, you can start making an app, which connects, all the vegetable / fruit seller, and the needy/suffering people and they must be informed about the vegetables/ fruits which may perish in some time - so that, they can get it.
Question may arise like, will they be using phones?
In this case, the NGOs, or some meet-up groups who are interested in social works may also be connected, who in turn can connect with the nearby needy people through some common phone.
This app may be intended to connect people who are working in catering services/ marriage halls, party organisers who can inform volunteers to help distributing the food which is in excess.

2. Knowledged people can start accumulating resources and teach them how to work, live, manage in this situation.
For example, they can start their starts-ups with people who lost the job, can also start some other small scale business hiring people who are suffering financially.
One such situation may be like: People who are full stack developer, who are looking for the jobs can make a group and start working on a project where some website development templates can be made and can start growing in that way.
At-least with these people will be able to earn some money for minimal survival needs like food, clothing, repaying loans etc.,

3. Can start guiding people who are suffering.
Have you people seen Naruto?
Please start watching it if possible.
It is the time, we must start learning, guiding our people, upcoming generation
For example, if you are having knowledge on something which is making you earn, you can start helping by guiding people ( at-least one or two) to make them grow up on their own, to have some career, or something like that. You will be able to spare sometime for them, some treats outside once in a while, like-that. It is almost like a duty to share the knowledge we have got, isn't it?

4.We can start making a group connecting with suffering / needy people, sparing some time, once in a week, giving some ideas how one can come up in life.
For example, most of the people, can grow some vegetable/ fruit plant in their home itself. like Tomato, potato, onion, chilly, broad beans, drumstick, guava tree etc.,  which can be helpful for doing some business / for daily food etc.,

If we try exploring the ideas, I am very sure that, we will get number of ideas.
Everything is possible if we are united and understanding each other's situation - which should be the quality, we all must be proud of....

Start talking with your colleagues, start forming some social service groups, and be kind and If that happens, really, Humankind is mostly like won the war against COVID 19.

Friday, March 27, 2020

For students pursuing some courses related to Hardware Design

Are you a student looking for the opportunity to learn Hardware desing?

Firstly, I would like to recall, what I did when I was a student.
I was searching for the big companies websites like Intel, Samsung, Panasonic, ARM, etc., whichever I came to hear about...
Then, I have started applying for the Jobs intended for freshers, in the careers page.
That, LinkedIn was there, but I didn't know what for it was used for..
But, nothing helped, I ended up wasting much time in searching for the opportunities.

But fortunately, I got into a complete Product based firm, as a Hardware Engineer just though a campus selection process.

But, this is not the case for all the people. What all are the stuffs which may help you?

  1. Start mingling with People, grow your people network.
  2. Start contributing in Opensource community.
  3. Start doing projects on your own - or try some design level things at-least.
  4. Start advertise yourself with your innovations... Such that companies must approach you seeing the profile strength 
 This is kind of sequence to be followed.
You have try communicating with people, both with personal approach - more like a friend and professional approach - asking for the doubts, help to learn stuffs. People can be from anywhere in this world, you can try approaching them through Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / LinkedIn or anything.

There are many open source communities, where contests are being held. You can participate in that and improve your thoughts, skills and approach.

Ultimately, you will be doing some new projects then.

And on adding above all the stuffs to your profile, you can show off you skills and get some more people looking for you. who knows, there are possibilities, you may introduce new product, new design, get recruited in a great company, or you can become an entrepreneur, you can become a great tutor, you can become someone like Elon Musk...

Learn PCB Design+Guidance to get a Job & Earn as Freelancer | Udemy

Everything is fine, what if you don't get help from people.
There some tutorial in Udemy / Coursera / Udacity/ like that - but this may be bit costlier for a student to afford.
So, If you are reading this, and need help, you can also approach me..
Still, I you need some other option, you can start browsing more on the topic on which you have doubts.. You can refer some YouTube video to get to learn about the working of a product / component / design..

Okay.. But finally, what are the open source communities, where you can participate and win contests..?

and so on..